Membership & Fees

2024 Annual Membership and Monthly Training Fees

Annual Membership is due on joining (pro-rated) and thereafter on 1st April annually

The club reserves the right to review charges and payment policies without notice.

Regular Club Member (Swimming/Local League – Club Train) – £110 (*)

Competing Member (Level 3 Meets – Club Compete) – £132.35

Associate Member (Non-Swimming – Club Support) – £15.00 (#)

Student Member (18+ Living Away) – £30.00

Open Water (April – August) – £45.00 (@)

* A family with three members will receive free membership for the third member. Training fees are still payable.

# Carries a voting right, non-swimmers.

@ Enables access to pool sessions subject to training fee.

We use Swim Manager to manage your membership details and payments through a direct debit on the 1st of the m,onth (training fees and membership ) or on the day for an adhoc purchase (open meets, kit, etc.).  Please note membership is an annual commitment.

Membership includes Swim England ‘Club Train’ fees.

The club is happy to discuss support for swimmers on a case by case basis, but no payment or communication will mean membership and insurance will lapse, so please approach us on a confidential basis if your circumstances change as we will always try to ensure swimmers can enjoy their chosen activity.

Volunteers who are not swimming are Associate members with Swim England Club Support affiliation and a voting right (club pays fee).

Parents and Masters can purchase Associate Membership with a voting right through the club.

Members joining later in the year pay a reduced membership fee.

Members who join as ‘second club’ pay Swim England affiliation to their first club only, and a reduced membership to Kingfishers.

Swim England Fees 

Swim England affiliation fees are due on first joining (then annually) and form part of your membership payment.  This covers insurance to train, volunteer and/or compete.  All category charges are paid by the club directly to Swim England and include Yorkshire Swimming Association and Swim England North East Region fees.

Club Train (included in club membership at £110) is £15.95.

Club Compete (included in club membership at £132.55, additional fee £22.35) is £38.30. 

Club Support (included in club membership at £15.00, volunteers no charge) is £11.50.

Payment of Gala/Meet Entry Fees

Payments are invoiced through Swim Manager before entry deadlines in order for entries to be made.  Entries are not confirmed unless the event organiser accepts the entry and full payment in advance has been made.  Organisers reserve the right to reject entries for example where events are over subscribed.

Once an entry has been made this is a commitment to pay even if a swimmer does not attend. In the event of withdrawal it may not be possible to cancel and get a refund.  This is at the organiser’s discretion and is a normal gala entry rule.  If the club has paid and there is no refund, this cannot be credited back to the swimmer.

Payment of Monthly Training Session Fees

Session fees are due monthly on the 1st of each month (except August).  All members are attached by the Coaching Team to a payment plan based on the number of hours swimming.

The fee is based on 46 weeks swimming and allows for weekends not swimming due to the pool hosting an Open Meet resulting in cancellation of club sessions:

Payment Plan Weekly Time Cost Per Month
Entry Development 30 mins (1x session) £22.00
1 Up to 1 hr £24.00
2 Up to 2 hrs £30.00
3 3 hrs £45.00
4 4 hrs £52.00
5 5 hrs £57.00
6 7 hrs £73.00
Masters Up to 4 hrs £30.00
Open Water 1 £45 Summer Season Pass or £3.50 /session

Seasonal membership available for non-members @ £45.00

Please be aware of the Payment Policy which will be applied in the case of non/late payments:

Payment Policy

Club Transfers To Kingfishers

If you are transferring from another Swim England affiliated club to Kingfishers please complete the Swim England Club Resignation Form so Kingfishers can become responsible for your Swim England fees at next annual renewal.  You will then swim in Kingfishers name.  If you have paid Swim England fees this year, no further payment is requested on transfer – except if the swimmer moves to Ckub Compete from Club Train.

Please complete the form below and return to:

Previous Club Resignation Form (Use link below):

Swim England Previous Club Resignation Form