Here you can find useful information for a safe and sustainable return to swimming during Covid restrictions.
Before returning after lockdown, illness or absence – swimmers AND volunteers:
MANDATORY: Complete a Return To Training Declaration
Scan or click the QR code to open and complete a declaration
The club is working with guidance from Swim England and by agreement with Everyone Active in planning and implementing Covid safe swimming.
Our Open Water 2020 season at North Yorkshire Water Park in Wykeham was cancelled and 2021 is subject to ongoing review.
Updates will be issued via the club Facebook Group and website News section.
To help yourself and family members and anyone bringing a child to sessions – please read the Swim England User Guidance and emails sent from the club/Swim Manager!
We would like to thank Scarborough Borough Council for their support at this time under the Discretionary Grant Scheme and Everyone Active for their site preparations and support for the club returning.
The club ‘Parent and Swimmer Information Booklet’ is updated regularly and has been emailed to all swimmers/families.
Swim England Information and Guidance – Covid-19
Return To Swimming Questions & Contact Point
Concerns? Advice? Assistance? Feedback?
Note – You can email anytime if you or someone you know in the club has a question, wants to let us know something or needs assistance (including club welfare matters). Usually this will be to the Club Secretary for COVID-19 or general matters and the Welfare Officer for confidential welfare assistance. Email us at:, or
For the latest updates on sessions and squad times please visit the club’s Facebook (Closed) Group and refer to your email:
Thank you to those who responded to our members Covid -19 survey – more than 90% confirmed they would be returning to the club when we return or shortly thereafter subject to any personal concerns being addressed. However we are limited in space available due to public health restrictions and are working on a phased return to the pool.
The club has agreed a strategy with Everyone Active, is training all regular volunteers on Covid-19 awareness and has in conjunction with Swim England and other regulatory bodies completed risk assessments and will be following the ‘new normal’ guidelines in preparing for and delivering pool sessions.
Note you will be informed before you need to attend the pool about access, changing, booking and payment arrangements so please do be patient.
Please watch out for announcements and email from the club as we will be asking for you to update swimmers details online in our new Swim Manager portal prior to switching billing systems and changing the way we record attendances, process payments and record emergency and medical information etc over the next few weeks.
To ask questions or share concerns about returning please email the club at:
Thank you
Kingfishers SC Committee