Membership of the club is by invitation after trial and is confirmed after:

:: Payment of an annual membership

:: Setting up a direct debit for monthly training fees

:: Agreement to codes and policies online using Swim Manager

:: Updating of Swim Manager confirming contact information, medical details, photo-consents, gift aid registration (where applicable) etc.

To join, or make a membership enquiry as a new member please click HERE

For details on annual membership, monthly training fee, codes, training, policies and Swim Manager click on the yellow ‘Information ‘ tab above and choose an item.

Codes Of Conduct

Kingfishers Swimming Club Scarborough has charitable status and is run by volunteers. One of our aims is to keep swimming accessible to all within the borough and we encourage members who are tax payers to complete a Gift Aid form which enables the club to seek reimbursement from HMRC of basic rate tax paid on donations by members to the club, at no cost to members, providing the member has paid more tax than the amount donated, in the same tax year.