Club Information Committee and Officers

Below is a list of committee members with roles and a list of non-committee member officers (reporting to the committee) including coaching team members.  Please click on a position/title to find out more about the role of the office held.

If you wish to contact the club, join or volunteer, please email us at:

Committee Officers and Officials
Chair Kath Minghella Head Coach Zoe Naylor
Vice Chair Senior & Junior Performance Coaches Charlotte Adams

Aaron Gilson

Tom Wilkinson

Secretary Vicky Gough Competitive Development Mike Draper
Treasurer Brian De-Alker Entry & Junior Development  Nicola Bailey

Stuart Ward

Liz Jones

Brian De-Alker

Eliza Hammond

President Maureen Dickinson Poolside Team & Teachers Maureen Dickinson
Members: Paula Ambury Masters (Coach) Kath Minghella

Nicola Bailey

  Shaun Vasey Open Water Paula Ambury
  Nicola Bailey Triathlon Simon Burnley
  Welfare Officer  Adrian Vipond
Leanne Anderson Communications & SaDSA
Kelly Trotter Compliance & SwimMark Brian De-Alker
Vicky Gill Public Health/Covid  Lead               Vicky Gough
Disabilities and SEND Paula Ambury
Education/CPD and Mentees Zoe Naylor              Tom Wilkinson
Finance Brian De-Alker
Friendly Meets: Charlotte Adams
Fundraising Sarah Bisby-Owen
Gift Aid Brian De-Alker
Membership & Swim England Kath Minghella
Minutes Secretary  Hannah Foster
Open Meets  Shaun Vasey
Swim Manager Admin Kath Minghella
Volunteering Lead Maureen Dickinson
Web Site News & Events Shaun Vasey
Youth Leadership   Zoe Naylor

Tom Wilkinson

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Purpose of Committee Meetings Volunteering For Kingfishers

Our Message To You – Please Read And Pass On!

Kingfishers Swimming Club relies on the time and commitment of over 30 volunteers to administer the club as a registered charity and to run and operate club nights, swim teaching and  coaching,  to develop swimmers and run events and fundraising etc.

Volunteering with Kingfishers gives you the opportunity to be involved in the inspiration, leadership and development of the next generation of children (and the current generation of adults!) from local communities in the borough with a common interest in swimming – whether for competition, leisure, or health and for both physical and mental wellbeing.

Our Duty of Care

All volunteers are DBS checked, trained in child protection, registered with Swim England and insured.  Most carry multiple related roles and all have access to support and a training pathway in accordance with the Club’s SwimMark Accreditation following the objectives of Kingfishers charitable status as registered with the Charity Commission.

Volunteering Opportunities

The club has the greatest number of qualified swim teachers and officials in the area and supports Level 1 Judge training (multiple skills Swim England pathway which incorporates all technical and timekeeping roles etc.).

Young Leader Development and Poolside Mentees Schemes

The club operates with Swim England North East region a Young Leader Development and Poolside Mentee Scheme to develop young people from the local community interested in progressing in leadership areas, coaching and swim teaching.

Leaders and mentees are able to pay back instruction, skills and community friendships by mentoring younger swimmers in a safe and positive environment and have the opportunity to take leadership, junior coaching, junior judging or swim teaching qualification themselves, subject to selection and age.

How do I Volunteer?

If you wish to be involved in helping the club as a volunteer please contact our Youth Education, Leadership and Mentee Lead via the club email address above or make yourself known to one of our team on club nights to be directed on how best to pursue and develop your passion for swimming at a higher level.