Payment Policy

Late Payment Policy

Training fees are due on the 1st of the month via direct debit. By arrangement payment can be by bank transfer.  No payments are currently able to be taken at sessions.  All account information about children and Masters – including invoices, payments and billing is accessed through the members portal:

Kingfishers Swim Manager Member Portal (Click Here)

If the swimmer changes Squad the monthly training fee will change. The fees are based on the number of hours of swimming available to the swimmer and are summarised here (click link).

It is the parent’s/swimmer’s responsibility to advise the Club if the swimmer has resigned and to cancel their monthly direct debit after all fees due have been paid, and not before.

If you don’t advise the Club and don’t cancel your direct debit you will still be charged for reserved water space and any other amounts due, and any overpayment will not usually be refunded.


Late Payment Policy

Failure to pay will result in:

After 7 days

A polite reminder from Swim Manager or Front Desk Team.

After 14 days

Swimmers ability to train will be withdrawn.

After 30 days

An urgent request for payment will be issued in writing, asking for payment by return.

Membership may be suspended until that payment is made or a request for flexible payment terms received. Failure to pay may result in termination of membership of the Club with the vacant position being offered to another child.

After 60 days

No request for flexible payment terms will be considered after 60 days and membership will be deemed to have terminated.

Termination of membership will be formally agreed by the Club’s Committee and the member notified in writing to the address on record. No appeal against termination in these circumstances will be available.

An administration charge of £10 may be imposed for any late, missed or partial payments where no satisfactory explanation is given. Persistent offender’s membership may be terminated at the discretion of the Committee.

Genuine Cases of Hardship

Kingfishers has made financial provision for cases of financial hardship and the Club’s Committee considers each request for assistance / flexible terms with session/membership payments on its merits.

Requests for assistance / flexible payment terms should be made by the parent or guardian, to the Club Secretary within 30 days of the payment becoming due:

Requests for assistance / flexible payment terms will not be considered after 30 days of the payment becoming due.

Long Term Absence Policy

For absences due to illness or injury, for periods exceeding one calendar month, which would affect a swimmer’s ability to train, members are entitled to request a refund of fees paid. However, annual membership and Swim England (ASA) fees will still apply and secure the swimmer’s ongoing membership of the club.

The Club must be informed of any absence as soon as is possible.