Category: 2010

Awards 2010

Presentation night 2010
Presentation night 2010
Presentation night 2010
Presentation night 2010
Club Captain & Vice Captain

New Club Captains & Vice Captains for 2011

Girls Captain Alex Lee & Vice Captain Paige Cusworth

Boys Captain – Josh Stacey

Novice Boys Novice Girls Top Squad Girls Top Squad Boys
Sam Rowe Amy Corcoran Isobel Metcalf Tom Wild
Thomas Hewitt Savannah Snowball Alex Consoli Matt Swift
Sam Sedman Chloe Moran Beth Wild Tom Heaton
Emma Button Emily Mills Michael Sladkowski
Ben Jenkins

Long Distance

The long distance season out at Wykeham Lakes started in early May and continued for 15 weeks, we had everything the weather could throw at us over that time and thoroughly enjoyed it! For the first time in over eight years we had some Castle Foot swims – this is swimming round the marine drive beach to beach. David Morgan went first on 16 May in 31 mins 17 secs which allowed us to suss out the tides and how to crew on the open sea in the club boat. Jenna Marsh and Harriet Ritchie approached the club to help them swim the Castle Foot to raise money for a childhood brain tumour research charity as their friend Ellie Otthick-Bowmaker had died from one on Valentine’s Day this year. They raised over £1200 and it was a privilege and pleasure to be part of this achievement for such a worthwhile cause. The final swims were on the lifeboat day and raised money for, and the profile of, the lifeboat.

Castle Foot

All the swimmers were badly stung by Jelly fish but appeared to have enjoyed the experience and are all begging Paula to let them do the 2 and 1/2 mile Scalby Mills to the Spa next season.

Well done to:

16th May – David Morgan in 31 minutes 17 seconds

31st July – Jonny Lucas in 37 minutes 11 seconds

31st July – Alex Lee in 44 minutes 24 seconds

31st July – Debbie Adcock in 50 minutes 21 seconds

31st July – Katie Lee in 1 hour 6 minutes.

National Swims

We didn’t have many swimmers doing national swims this year but the “Sedmans” did complete BLDSA Wykeham and Bala and clocked PB’s at both


Jane Sedman

Sam Sedman

Alex Sedman

we would like to thank the Boat Crew, Phil Dickinson and Hannah Keech, and the 25+ canoeist’s especially Mike and Helen Springall, Robyn Keech and Kev Sykes who turned out week on week, rain or shine, to ensure that everyone was as safe as possible whilst swimming around a large piece of cold water full of weeds. See you all next year, same time, same place.

Outdoor Training Certificates For Mileage Covered

Jonny Lucas 33miles

Alex Lee 16miles

Jane Sedman 11miles

Katie Lee 9miles

Mary Beth Hebron 8miles

Sam Sedman 7miles

Alex Sedman 5miles

Debbie Adcock 4miles

Lewis Sykes 4miles

Kevin Sykes 3miles

The Robert Fisher Novice Plates – these are awarded for outstanding performance throughout the open water season

Robert Fisher Novice Plate – Girls winner

Katie Lee

Katie has been awarded this for her Castle Foot swim. She has been lakeside for years whilst her sister swam, but this year she decided she quite fancied seeing what all the fuss was about and swimming around the Marine Drive, North to south known as Castle Foot. She trained hard for a number of weeks and completed the swim in 1 hour 6 minutes despite lots of jellyfish stings and a choppy sea Well Done Katie!

Robert Fisher Novice Plate – Boys winner

Jonny Lucas

He doesn’t look like your average Novice long distance Swimmer, but in the true sense of the word he is. He trains at Wykeham Lakes every week quietly and without any fuss but doesn’t swim competitively outdoors. He completed a Castle Foot this year in a fantastic time of 33mins in fact he was too fast for the jellyfish as he was the only one not to be stung. Well Done Jonny!

K and M Dickinson Endeavour Award is awarded for effort and determination

Debbie Adcock

You will all recognise Debbie from teaching poolside and running gala teams. She has trained in Wykeham for a couple of years and this year completed a Castle Foot swim despite having tonsillitis in a commendable time of 50mins – Congratulations Debbie.

Robert Fisher Endurance Trophy awarded for outstanding commitment to open water swimming.

Jane Sedman

Jane not only trains each week at Wykeham but who on at least half of those occasions canoed first for the younger swimmers so we had adequate safety cover. She competed at two British Long Distance Swimming Association events in Wykeham and Bala in North Wales and completed them both in personal best times. Well done Jane.

Les Rouse Trophy awarded for outstanding contribution to long distance swimming

Phil Dickinson

The long distance section of Kingfishers Swimming Club is a very small but dedicated group, and they simply could not function without this year’s winner of the Les Rouse Trophy. He has canoed for various club swimmers every summer since 1982 and has covered just about every piece of water in the British Isles along the way. When, 8 years ago the club bought the boat to add to the safety cover at the lake, he took the RYA Powerboat safety handlers course and has been the first one to the lake every week since without fail to launch the boat, and, always locks up and turns the light off at the end of every session. On behalf of all the long distance swimmers thank you Phil

Friendly League Trophy – Girls Winner

Chloe Moran

This years winner is a real novice swimmer who always turns up on time to training. She always represents the club superbly in 11 and under and friendly galas. No matter what she is doing, she does it with a smile! Congratulations Chloe

Friendly League Trophy – Boys Winner

Michael Platten

This years winner swims in the friendly league galas, and has also swum up into the East Coast League and Ridings team to help the club out when needed. He is a friendly face around the club, keep up the hard work!

Novice trophies awarded for hard work and most improved

Novice Trophy Girls Winner

Amy Corcoran

Amy has shown incredible commitment to her swimming this year. She has represented the club at every available opportunity, performing at the top of her game every time. Continuing from last year, she has broken yet more club and championship records at the club championships this year. With top squad in her sights, congratulations Amy

Novice Trophy Boys Winner

Josh Curry

This chap has worked extremely hard over the year. His improvement is clear to all who teach and coach him. He has swum in the ridings A team this year, which is testament to his development in the pool. A very polite young man, who we believe will have a long future with the club. Congratulations Josh

Open Meet Trophy

Eleanor has been to just about every single open meet the club has attended this year. She is poolside with everything required, usually before the coaches. She has matured into the elder statesman of the group, and has a professional approach to the open meet environment. She usually! performs well in the training pool, but invariably comes away from competition with at least a couple of PB’s. More of the same next year please….aka Els Bells, congratulations Eleanor

Most Improved Top Squad Girl

Ceri Boddy

The measure of improvement from Ceri is clear for all to see. She has made the step up from the novice training program into the top squad program without any fuss whatsoever, and has impressed many of the more senior swimmers with her no nonsense attitude to solid hard graft, which she never fails to complete. Her hard work culminated in her qualifying for her first Yorkshire championships, where she put in a sterling swim earning her most impressive PB to date, well done Ceri.

Most Improved Top Squad Boy

Tom Heaton

This year has seen Tom jump into previously unchartered territory. His times have dropped considerably, due to his sheer grit, determination and simple hard work to be the best he can possibly be. He is an example to watch in training, he attends every session he possibly can, and deserves the rewards he is reaping. He performed admirably in the Yorkshire championships, and also attained incredibly difficult North Eastern Qualifying times. He attended the North Easterns and yet again swam impeccably. Congratulations Tom on another wonderful year.

Endeavour Trophy

This award has been donated by the Disabled Swimming Club in recognition of the help Kingfishers gave them in reestablishing their own swimming gala this year. The award is to be presented to a swimmer for consistent hard work that often goes unrecognized.

Evie Lawty

Evie has transformed over the year into a mature young swimmer. She has maintained her attendance at training and made steady progress. She gets on with the program in each session she attends, and has started to help and encourage the younger swimmers through the sets. This has been noticed by the coaches, and is often a huge help during hard sets. She has already expressed her interest in helping poolside in 2011, which is great to see. Well done, and keep up the good work. Congratulations Evie

Presentation of a Kingfisher to member for long service

Rita Smith

Rita has been with us for around 20 years joining when her eldest son Mark was just 5. She has seen both Mark and younger son Andrew through the club. Both have long since left, but she has stuck with us. Looking after the open meet entries for many years, she has recently handed this task over. She has also been the mother of chief timekeepers, along with Sue Jackson, practically forever! She has now decided to hang up her Kingfisher hat. Thank you Rita for all of your help over the years.

Kingfishers Shield

This award is awarded to a person or persons who have best served the club in all areas and put something back into the sport by helping and encouraging others, this could be awarded to a swimmer, a teacher or a helper.

Amanda Lee

Her family has been with Kingfishers for 9 years, and she has been on the committee for approx 8 years and Secretary for 5 years. She has been instrumental in initially securing and then maintaining the Club’s Swim 21 status and setting up and subsequently running the B & C Gala. She can be viewed on a Wednesday evening in her comfort zone – The Tuck Shop and be heard for miles around.

Amanda’s family have also been a big part of the Long Distance Swimming Section for 6 years and regularly helps out at Wykeham Lake training sessions by providing the entertainment in the “who is the most rubbish at getting in and out of the safety boat competition” Amanda Lee steps down as Club Secretary this year but has promised to still be the driving force behind our B & C Gala. In recognition of all the help you have given the club – Thank You.

Also a Kingfisher ornament to be awarded as a departure gift and recognition of years service.

The Kingfisher Cup

This trophy was introduced to recognize a special contribution by an individual who has shown exceptional commitment to the club through whichever role they hold. It provides an opportunity to pay tribute to someone quite unique within the club and to demonstrate publicly just how much their efforts and dedication are appreciated.

Ginny Wilkinson

Let’s first put into perspective how long Ginny has been an active member of Kingfishers. Well, if we take your newly appointed boys club captain, Josh Stacey, Ginny became a member in the same year as Josh was born, 1995, 15 years ago. Over this period of time, she has seen the tenure of 4 chief coaches, from our current club president John Titley through to our current Jon Cheshire. Since 1995.

In the beginning, Ginny quickly found herself poolside taking long distance times during the training sessions after her child, whom all of you will know well, was immediately identified as ‘not really a pool swimmer/sprinter’ and more of a ‘long distance swimmer’!! This transferred to lakeside, which she occupied for many years, on many lakes across the country.

The list of jobs this person now takes care of is practically endless, but here is a few of the obvious ones, and some of the not so obvious; welfare officer, membership secretary, child protection officer, debt collector and generally the welcoming face of Kingfishers people see when they walk through the pool door. Some of the more obscure jobs now; she orders all of the trophies for the club championships every year, along with the B&C meet trophies, she spends days, nay weeks organizing the club championships every year, she organizes all of the internal galas (Vicky Moore and such like), she manages the notice board and produces notices for the front desk, she records the results on poolside at every home gala, she produces every register for every session that takes place at the pool, keeps the lost property box…I feel the sun is about to rise…you can see where this is going. Lest we forget, all of this is done whilst working 50 hours a week, studying for a university qualification and sitting on another two committees. Parents, a gentle reminder that many of these jobs do not BELONG to her, she is merely trying to do them all! They can be taken on by one or more of you, and I have a feeling she would love to pass a few on! All in all, the club simply would grind to a halt without her. Never a more worthy recipient, congratulations Ginny and a heart felt thank you from everyone.

New Club Captains & Vice Captains for 2011

Girls Captain Alex Lee & Vice Captain Paige Cusworth                                                                            Boys Captain – Josh Stacey